
Our Mission


The LUA Foundation Limited is a non-profit organisation set up by the Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited in 1998, aiming to encourage volunteer work among members and to provide funding for charitable organisations and worthy causes throughout the world. Initially funded by an endowment from the LUAHK, all foundation activities will reflect the caring and sharing spirit of LUAHK members as well as their commitment towards the life insurance profession and the community.


Our Main Objectives


The Foundation will consider applications received from individual applicants in Hong Kong, as well as organisations, for funding requests for worthy causes which are by no means limited to the life insurance industry. There are no perset limits for applications though preference will be given to requests that fall within the Foundation’s major objectives to improve the quality of life for those in Hong Kong, which include:


1.     Funding educational and organisational programmes that will benefit the people of Hong Kong, through a better understanding and awareness of social and community commitments and services.

2.     Counseling and outreach services for those in need.

3.     Granting scholarships and bursaries to encourage and support both education and research.

4.     Providing food, shelter, clothing, emergency relief, medical assistance and financial assistance as well as training and education when and where necessary.

Guidelines for Funding Application


1.     Applications can be submitted by a permanent resident of Hong Kong or an established organisation. Applications should be submitted directly to the Foundation Chairman, with clear details of the programme, its objectives and benefits, the amount of funding requested and an outline of how this funding will be used. Remember it is easier to award funds for a specific purpose than for general support.
2.     The application form should be filled in clearly and concisely. Please ensure that all relevant documentation supporting your request is included. If additional materials, such as photographs, videotapes etc, are available and provide clearer details of your project, they can be submitted in conjunction with the application.
3.     There are no limited either to the number of application made or to the amounts of funding requested. Applications can made at any time, as the Foundation Management Committee will meet regularly to review requests for funding.
4.     Applicants will be formally notified of the results of their requests. While all applications will be reviewed as fairly and as objectively as possible, successful grants will depend on the total number of applications received, funding available and overall relevance when viewed against our objectives.
5.     In all instances the decision of the Foundation’s Management Committee is final.