About LUAHK:
Inaugurated in 1973, the Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited (“LUAHK”) is a voluntary organization of professional insurance intermediates destined for the sustainable development of the insurance industry in Hong Kong. Today we have almost 12,000 members and had become one of the most predominant organizations for insurance agents and intermediates in Hong Kong. LUAHK is also one of the founding members of Asia Pacific Financial Services Association (APFinSA). Currently, APFinSA has members all across Asia Pacific region including Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, India, Macau and Hong Kong.
The objective of LUAHK is to enhance and uphold the professionalism and ethical standard of the life insurance practitioners through the implementation of ethical code and code of conducts for its members. In addition, LUAHK also aims to provide further and continual education programs to its members and to mobilize its members to rebate the society by participating in charity and social service.
In the past 40+ years, LUAHK had organized numerous exhibitions, seminars, conventions, workshops and education programs (e.g. Associate Chartered Financial Practitioners / Fellow, Chartered Financial Practitioners (AChFP / FChFP) & Chartered Life Practitioner (ChLP)) to enhance the adversarial techniques and professional skills of our insurance practitioners.
The launch of Distinguished Manager Award & Distinguished Agent Award (DMA & DAA) in 1993, Best Financial Planner Award (BFPA) in 2007, Quality Advisor Award / Quality Manager Award / Quality Leader Award (QAA / QMA / QLA) in 2010 and New Star Award in 2020 had also set the benchmarks for the insurance industry practitioners standards. In 2021, LUA pioneered a “Trusted Series” – Master Trusted Award (MTA) & Certified Trusted Advisor (CTA) which are universally recognized by insurance companies and the general public. In 2019, the 17th Asia-Pacific Life Insurance Congress (APLIC) was successfully held in Hong Kong which was very well received by more than 10,000 participants throughout Asia-Pacific region.
For external affairs, LUAHK has been one of the representatives in the Insurance Agents Registration Board (IARB) for the administration of the insurance agents’ registration policy since 1993. Apart from the above, the Industry Affairs Steering Committee (IASC) was set up in 2010 to enhance the communications and interrelations with the government and its related affiliated associations. In addition, another target for IASC to achieve is to strive for the best interest of insurance practitioners and to promote the professional image of the industry. In Sept 2019, Insurance Authority took over the regulation of insurance intermediaries from the three Self-Regulatory Organisations and LUAHK, as the ex-officio member of Insurance Industry Regulatory & Development Concern Group (ICG), continues to play an active role in ensuring the smooth transition of the IA regime and to ensure the prosperous development of the insurance industry.
Community Services
LUAHK has been taking a pro-active role in promoting and procuring the insurance intermediates to take part in the charity functions. In 1998, LUA Foundation was inaugurated to manage and procure the charity functions. In the past years, LUA Foundation had procured donations of more than $8 million Hong Kong dollars to the needy and charity organizations. Among all charity activities, “LifeCare Charity Run” had been one of the annual premier events since 2016 where LUAHK & LUA Foundation held hand in hand to raise funds for LUA Foundation. Recently, LUA Foundation have donated more than HK$1.5 million to The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care and Haven of Hope Holistic Care Centre for hospice service rendered by both charities. In 2016, LUA Foundation had also called a 1+1 Champaign and had successfully raised $400,000 for the families of two firefighters who had lost their lives in the Ngau Tau Kok storage house fire fight. During 2020 to 2021, we established a total of HK$1 million "Anti-epidemic Fund" to provide immediate financial assistance to insurance practitioners who got infected with Covid-19.
“LifeCare Movement” was launched by LUA Foundation in 2005 which intends to promote “Life Education” and “Policy Donation Program” which had embedded the core value of life insurance and to secure the sustainable funding for charitable organizations. With the aid of the media promotion and the support from LifeCare Ambassadors & Leaders, the total number of policy donors has reached 10,000 and the donated figures under the Policy Donations Program has accumulated to HK$300 million of which more than HK$8 million had been paid to the needed and the beneficiaries.